Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The beef stroganoff was awesome. And took 3 mins to throw together - you can't ask for better than that. The kids even scoffed it all (Lara donated her mushrooms to Oscar, but that doesn't count).

The children are adopting some rather colourful language lately. I blame Pink. I came out to the rumpus room tonight to hear Lara giggling and playing one song over and over. Pink's "Girlfriend" was playing and the giggling was due to the lyrics "yeah I'm a mother f%@##ng princess". OMG!

Here's another card I made today. I quite like the colours in this one.


A-Team said...

HI Annie dear! Share your recipe for the beef stroganoff please?

Your cards are gorgeous Annie. Good luck with the business (and with getting that new car!)

Lexi (the one in Cali, ha ha)