Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Single figures!!!!

... until the jolly man in the red suit visits!! My kids are on the countdown, and getting super-excited. They still have school until Fri 21st, but it's winding down now. Oscar had his last EVER day of Kindergarten today. They hung out, ate party food, and had a visit from a very authentic looking Santa. Here he is...

Next time these kids are all together, they'll be school kids! Hard to believe, but oh so very close! Here are the silly boys. They were prompted with "Monkey's smelly Undies". The freckly boy is Oscar's best buddy "Logan" and the blondie is his second bestie "Jude"

Other than this, we've been consumed by Christmas parties and activities. I feel like I need a sleep that lasts for 3 days. Oh, and BTW? Me and alcohol? The relationship is all OFF. The lovely girls in my street all gathered for another cocktail party last weekend. We felt bulletproof after our last one where we drank copious amounts and woke up hangover-free. NOT so lucky this time. O. M. G. We disgraced ourselves, and woke up feeling very, very ordinary the next day. It may be Christmas in July before I can face a glass of wine or a cocktail again...
Jacob had a Mexican fancy dress and dinner at school last week. As usual, the school springs these things at the last minute, and us parents rush to gather supplies. This means many more $$$$$ in the pockets of Sparty's and Spotlight. The sombrero was easy, but the poncho took quite a few man hours (or woman hours) to pull off. My gorgeous neighbour got me the material, and it took me two attempts to achieve this:

I hope to post again before Xmas, but if I fail to, and this is completely on the the cards, Merry Christmas to all!!!

Side note: there is a storm brewing. I love storms! Love, love, love them. I think I'll go sit out on the 'proposed' front deck and watch the action!