Sunday, August 5, 2007

Party time

Today we held a party for Jacob's 7th birthday. I couldn't help but be amazed at the sheer craziness of 7 year old boys. In their defence, they were all sugared-up, but still... A few boys were well behaved, while still being typical boys. A certain rogue element decided to up the ante and incite chaos amongst the others. Drinks were poured into the fountain, then cans thrown in as well. After I made them retrieve the cans, they were told there were no further drinks for the culprits. Jeez.

In spite, or perhaps because of, the above, Jacob declared it his best birthday party ever. And this is the main thing. My gorgeous boy had a wonderful day and came home feeling very special.

I finally got a pic of the "fence-in-progress". Not ideal lighting, but you get the idea. And you can see the sexy new letterbox. A friend came around today and as she was leaving she, jokingly, said she was going to put fingerprints all over it. Turns out you can't leave marks on it. Woo Hoo. Even better! The front of the house and the brick part of the fence will be rendered and painted soon. There will be horizontal timber slats between the brick piers.
Slowly but surely we are changing this manky house into the vision we have always had for it. Soon we will get to the inside and rip up carpets, polish floors, new kitchen, new bathroom etc etc. All comes down to time and the very important $$$$$$.
Hope you had a great weekend.